Staff Council

IU South Bend Staff Council

The Staff Council provides a medium for communication among administration, faculty, and staff employees at IU South Bend.

The Staff Council works for staff by:

  • Submitting formal proposals to the IU South Bend Chancellor on policies affecting the general welfare of, working conditions of, and services rendered by IU South Bend staff
  • Serving as a liaison to exchange information regarding concerns of staff and the IU South Bend administration
  • Encouraging opportunities for continued professional development and growth

Thomas Smith Memorial Fund Scholarship

The IU South Bend Thomas Smith Memorial Fund was established by the IU South Bend Professional Staff Council to honor the memory of Thomas Smith, a valued colleague who was president of the Professional Staff Council at IU South Bend. The grant is intended to support IU South Bend  staff members who are pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree at IU South Bend by providing up to $200 for tuition, books, supplies, or related student fees that are not covered by any other grant or scholarship.

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Putt-Putt Golf

IU South Bend's 2023 Putt-Putt Golf Tournament will be held Thursday, July 27 at Putt-Putt Golf and Games (3615 N Main Street, Mishawaka). In case of inclement weather, we will enjoy the fun on August 3. 

First, Second, and "Tail End Charlie" prizes will be awarded! One team member ust be IU staff, faculty, or student. Please submit your entry form to one of the following:

Hole sponsorships are appreciated. See our link for more information! 

Putt Putt is an annual "Fun-Raiser" for the Staff Council. A $12 entry fee (per team) is required; checks payable to IU South Bend Staff Council. 

Staff Appreciation Day

Staff Appreciation Day 2023 was held June 9th. Included in the day were awards, games, lunch, and educational seminars.

2023 Photo credit | Michael Caterina

IU South Bend Volunteer Day

IU South Bend's innaugural Staff Volunteer Day was held October 22, 2021. IU South Bend's faculty, staff, and administrators gathered to contribute to park restoration, learn about healthy ecosystems, and develop a sense of workplace community.